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Life Is A Wonderful Journey

Happy Mothers Day to all my friends who are moms, moms of fur babies, and to those of you who "mother" anyone, in any way!!  I hope you all had an amazing day!!

My Mothers Day was wonderful.  After Mass, we all got together at my parents house and we celebrated our beautiful mother.  I did get a picture of the girls to share, but some had already left, so everyone isn't present.

From the left, My Momma.....My daughter Blayne....Me
My sister Connie...My sister in law Steph with her youngest, Kierstin

I have a tradition on Mothers Day that I decorate my upper back porch.  We call it "The Sanctuary" because it is my relaxation place :)  I don't know why I always wait until Mothers Day to do this, but I do :)  Blayne usually helps me and she helps me decided what is to old and yucky and get rid of it, because I have a problem with keeping things way past their expiration date :)  Here are some pictures of my beautiful sanctuary, where we spend so much time during the summer.  Greg bought me a new swing and table set because our others were just not pretty anymore :)


Just some pretty things to look at while I sit on my comfy swing :) 


Mothers Day gift from Blayne


Mothers Day gift from my Momma


Friends and my fountain


My side of the swing :) 


Mothers Day gift from my sister :) 

I love this saying.  I  truly am in love with my life right now!!  Blayne hung it up for me right next to my swing so I can look at it and remember how blessed I am to have such a wonderful sister and a wonderful life.  I am at a place in my life where I am so happy with who I am becoming.  Finding Lori is an awesome journey and it is opening my eyes to everything our amazing God has giving me and everything he has in store for me!!  Life is so good :) 

OK, so today marks the final day of my Two Week Tracking Challenge.  Mentally, going over these past two weeks,  I am happy with myself.  I slipped up a few times, going super overboard at times, but overall, I am happy.  Tracking every day has shown me just what my trigger foods are.  It has shown me that I have more energy and am in a better mood when I don't over eat.  It has shown me how important breakfast is, and that it is so important stay away from diet sodas, and to drink more water :)   I didn't do this challenge to lose weight.  I wanted to see if I could actually stay on track for 2 weeks, and hopefully avoid those horrible binges.  That didn't happen, but it did help me get back in control faster, and I love that feeling!!

I wasn't happy with what the scale says.  I expected more, but with my binges a few days ago, and Chinese yesterday for Mothers Day, I can see why I didn't lose more.  I hate relying on scales.  Like I said, I gain weight so fast.  My clothes feel better, and I feel lighter if you that makes sense, so I am good!!!

So yeah, that's a 2 pound loss.  Like I said, not good for 2 weeks of watching.  Honestly,  I could weigh myself tomorrow and have lost 5 more pounds, so I hate relying on the scale, especially with  me not having my "time of the month" since February.  I guess I am in perimenopause, but that is for another post....Blah!  I have a few regrets from these past 2 weeks, but this is a work in progress and anything I do or don't do is going to get me to where I want to be.  A journey is full ups and downs and I will take them all! 

Thank you so much for putting up with me posting my food diaries every day, and thanks for being here with me to keep me accountable :)  I am off soon to a jewelry party at my sister's house that we are hosting.  I will get some fun pictures to share tomorrow :)  


"Transformation is a process, 
and as life happens there are ups and downs.  
It's a journey of discovery."

~Rick Warren


  1. Your sanctuary looks absolutely beautiful! Enjoy :) I think you did great tracking...sometimes it does take awhile for the loss to show. Regardless, you should be proud!

  2. Hey, we have the same scale! :) Two pounds over two weeks of tracking your food is pretty good. You are learning a new habit and un-learning old ones, and it paid off. Great job!

  3. I love your red patio furniture! I think two pounds in two weeks is great! I just hate hormones- so much fluctuation on the scale and mood swings, etc. Ugh!

  4. Aw, I love your patio! It's so cute! All the little decorations give it a ton of personality! ...I feel the same way about the scale but not bc I gain/lose really quickly ...I think we should make changes in our life to FEEL better. I can be a chunky butt but as long as I'm eating better and exercising a little, then I feel like a million bucks! And that's more rewarding then any number on the scale. So kudos to you for feeling better regardless of the scale (or binges).


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