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Showing posts from November, 2020

Journey Update Week 1 (Formally Know as "Weigh In Monday")

Monday was my weigh in day, but I had a dental emergency and I haven't been in the mood for writing.  I bit into pizza on Sunday and broke off a crown on my front tooth!  Yesterday I had it all repaired so now I am good to go!  Anyway, regarding my weigh in...  I had a good week and hit most of my goals that I set for the week.  I only walked 3 times instead of 4, but other than that, I am happy with my week. I told y'all that I hold water pretty easily, especially when I have eaten off track, so I knew that if I stayed on track, that I would see a big number when I weighed in.    Eight pounds is a lot for one week, and I realize that after today it will definitely slow down, but it is a nice jumpstart to my journey and and it is motivating to see the results of a good week.  I decided to keep my same goals from last week for this week.  The cover every area that I need to work on, especially the exercise ones :)    If you are trying to get healthy, just remember that it is a j