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Trying Again

What a beautiful Sunday!!

Since my Real Food Only challenge ended, I haven't been doing a good job watching my calories.  My little binge after my challenge was a slide for the rest of the week, and now I have to start over.  My weight is still up from Easter, and it is starting to get to me.  This is just a vicious cycle that I have to stop.  But how?  That is the million dollar question.  I do think it is a mental thing for me.  I usually think I need to eat as much junk food as I can, because "I'm dieting starting Monday".   Sometimes Monday comes and then I bump it to the following Monday.  That is my all or nothing attitude that I talked about before.  It doesn't have to be all or nothing.  I can have little treats here and there.  My sister really keeps track of her calories.  She is so good.  She uses myfitnesspal too.  She tracks everything.  I usually do, but then end up not putting in my treats because I just don't want to see it, and if I don't see it there, then hey, I didn't eat it.  :)   I think my new challenge for this week will be to track every thing I put in my sweet little mouth, food, drinks, snacks, everything.  I think actually seeing my calories rise will help me stop when I am supposed to.  I think there is a way to copy my food diary so I can post it so I will be accountable.  I will play around with that and begin tomorrow.   I'm just looking for something to jump start a loss for me.  Sometimes I loose a little and think yay, now I get a  reward, and that leads to nothing  but disaster.  I'm going to reward my self with something else.

In November, I started this money jar.  Every day that I eat good, and or exercise, I put a dollar in the jar.  There are a lot on ones smashed in there!!  I'm not sure what I will use it for, but I intend to continue this until I am at my goal weight.  I refuse to count it, and my family knows not to touch it :)  In the mean time, I want something that will push me to get back on the right track.   If I tell Greg about this he will help me with ideas, and I know he will offer to pay for it for me, so I will talk it over with him and get back to you tomorrow :)

So, here I am.  Starting over, trying to find what works, swallowing my pride, admitting my failure and trying again.   Did I mention this journey would be bumpy? :)


"If you try anything, 
you have already achieved something wonderful 
before you even begin. 
 Forget failure.  If things don't work, 
hold your head up high and be proud 
and try again, and again, and again!"

~Sarah Dessen



  1. I wouldn't say you're trying again... You're just continuing! We all have times like that and it's ok if you just keep going. It's really hard not to let it slip you up. I love weight watchers because I can just count everything I eat and I don't feel guilty. Can't wait to hear about what you are going to buy to help! The money jar is fantastic. I'm going to start one for weeks I meet my step goal.

  2. I tracked my "bad" days as well as my good days, and oftentimes, I realized that when I felt like I'd really gone off the rails with my eating, I was only 400-500 calories over for the day. That helped me to not throw in the towel with my diet...because over the course of a week, or a month, it's just a blip. Track everything and I bet you'll see it's never quite as bad as you thought. And hey, you might even end up needing a bigger money jar!

  3. I was just talking about all or nothing thinking and how it hinders me in my weight loss! I'm either all on, going all out, or more likely, not doing anything about my weight and thinking how I will start next week. I am back to logging my food this week too.


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