This post should have been up in October, but since I wasn't blogging all that much last year, I just wanted to share it with you now :) At beginning of August, I came across some information on line, about an annual 5K that is hosted by our local Runners Club. It's basically for women only. Now, I've been wanting to try a 5K for years, but, you all know, I am not a walker or a runner, or anything like that, so I never thought I could do it. Well, something something came over me that day and I signed up online without even thinking about it. I decided to tell people right away, so there was no way to back out of it :) I signed up to walk it, but after a few days, I began to think that I might try running part of it. I had 2 months to prepare, so I downloaded the Couch to 5K app on my phone and began my "training". It was tough....mentally and physically. I quit a few times and had to restart, so when my race day came, I knew ...