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Organized House, Organized Life

First I wanted to check in on my goals for this past week.  My first goal for the week was to add extras on my gym days.  I am happy to say that I accomplished this!  On my usual, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Ab Class days, I added lifting in each day!  It felt good to get back to lifting again.  I do love it so I hope I can keep it up!  My other goal was to lose 1 pound.  That didn't happen due to some slips during the week.  I ended up gaining .06.  My mind is in the game, I just need it to be ALL in instead of PARTIALLY in.  Know what I mean?  I was doing so well, and have been allowing myself little treats here and there, acting like I am in maintenance, instead of on the losing track.  I just need to tweak my diet a bit.  I know what I am doing wrong.....I just need to stop :)  Hopefully this week will be different.  Being it was Super Bowl yesterday, I got off to a slow start, but today is a new day and I can do it! :)   I am not setting any new goals this week.  I am just working on the ones I 've set the past few weeks and trying to continue them!  They will all help me on my weigh in on Friday!

In our Weight Loss Support Group today, we talked about the correlation between keeping your weight down and keeping a tidy organized house.  I can relate to this.  If my house is in disarray, I tend to let other areas in my life get crazy too, including my diet.  Who likes to come home after a long day and prepare something nutritious if the counters are cluttered and there are stacks of papers on your table?  I find the more organized my house is, the more organized my total life is.  The opposite goes for me as well.  Sometimes, when I am totally off track with my food choices, the more I tend to let my house work suffer.  Why is that?  Is it because I have the "all or nothing" mentality?  Am I creepy crazy?  These are things that wake me up in the middle of this night terrified!  Ok, not really, but you get the severity of it right?  If  I could fix this control freak character flaw in myself, could I actually become a thinner woman?  Hmmmm.......I really need to read more about this and possibly make changes in my life to stop this weird pattern.  That, or hire a cleaning service so my house is always organized and clean so I will always feel in control.   I like that idea better :)



  1. I agree with the organization sentiment; going along with that, if I'm organized in my house it also usually means I've been to the grocery store, so I have better meal options on hand.

    1. Exactly! Healthy choices are available! 😊

  2. The comment all is so true for me too!!!!

  3. Good job adding in the lifting! Little steps really add up. I also find that an unorganized house = an unorganized mind, which makes me irritated, which leads to unhealthy eating choices. I do thing that when my house is clean and organized, I feel more inclined to prepare healthier meals.

  4. I struggle with this too! Same goes for a clean fridge. When my fridge is in disarray, I tend to make worse choices than when everything is organized (and the healthy stuff is easier to find) :)


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