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Hi Again

Hi Friends!

In attempts to try to rid my life of Instagram,  I am back to start writing again.  I have high hope that this time I will stay and not fall back into the Trap.  I just continually get caught up in that web of posting photos and it slowly takes over my life.  I know I've tried before, but this time I will succeed!!

This little blog,  will continue to be what it always has been.  My joys, my struggles.... just sharing my life.  And, even though I try not to make my life all about my weight loss journey, it still is a part of me.  So,  I've decided that I will do a little update, about my past week, on Mondays.  Just so I can share my ups and downs with someone.   If you've been here before, you know that I post it all....The good, the bad, and the horrific.  It helps me if I am accountable to someone, even if I just put it out there for whoever.

Since today is Monday, I will give you a little update on how my journey has been going.   The last time I was here, I was following the Weight Watchers program.  Recently, for reasons I will write about soon, I had to cancel my membership in May.  Thinking bout it, I was on WW for a year, and actually gained and lost the same 10 pounds the entire time.  That doesn't sound to good, but at least I didn't continually gain, like I would have if I was following no plan at all.  I like WW and probably will go back in the Fall.  I like the accountability at the scale every week.  I like the meetings, and sharing. I miss all of that.  After leaving WW, I floundered for awhile and I gained a considerable amount of weight and was at my highest weight in years.  In the middle of June, after feeling miserable and sorry for myself,  I vowed to cut my carbs down, watch my fat, and stick to or around 1200 calories a day.  I have lost consistently every week since then and am down a total of 19.2 pounds!  I "overindulged" twice but didn't go totally crazy, and was able to get back on track the next day.  Limiting carbs does that to me.  It helps me stay on track and not crave the gooey stuff.  It's all mental for me.  If I tell myself that I can not have a lot of carbs, then I don't eat them.  WW allowed me to have anything I wanted as long as it was within my points.  That works great for some people, but for me....right now....I can not "just have one".  I have to be strict for awhile, so, I am sticking with this for now.  It seems to be working, and I feel amazing :)

Other than that, life has been wonderful!  There have been big changes over here, and I will let you in on what's been going on,  later this week.

Have a wonderful night and don't forget how amazing you are!

xoxo ~L


  1. I've been waiting for a new blog post from you Lori!!

    1. Thanks Chris! I am waiting for yours too!!!

  2. Welcome back!!!! I look forward to reading your upcoming posts!!!

    Good job on the pounds lost!!!!


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