Rain, Rain, Go Away! Grrr.... It has been raining here all day, all day yesterday, most of the week actually. I don't mind it if we NEED it, but yeah....we DON'T!!! Today is weigh in day for me!! I am happy to say that I am down 5 pounds!! I realize the my body is adjusting and ridding itself of water etc. but I still like to see my total number going down. It does wonders for my outlook!! It just makes me want to continue doing well and to not over do it at all. I started this new attempt at 232 lbs and last week I was 216 and now I am 211 :) When I began my blog in January my initial weight was 210 after loosing 22 pounds from October to December with Atkins. When I went off Atkins around Christmas time, I gain back my weight very quickly. I've been losing and gaining all my life so this is nothing shocking to me. I made the decision to count calories and go slowly, allowing myself treats here and there to keep me sane and feeling normal. This is working